Prof Rohit Srivastava, a Himanshu Patel Chair Professor in the Department of BSBE, IIT Bombay has been able to leverage his training to establish his own successful research program pursuing micro and nano-scale devices such as biosensors, bionanotechnology and finally mapping out to Point-of-care diagnostic devices. He and his team have already commercialized four point-of-care diagnostic devices such as SYNC– Bluetooth integrated glucometer for diabetes management; UChek– routine urine analysis system; ToucHb– non-invasive haemoglobin detection device; CareMother- a smartphone-based platform to integrate doctors and pregnant women to screen and identify risk-prone pregnancies for maternal and neonatal healthcare in the rural areas. He has also clinically validated and transferred numerous healthcare technologies to the industry such as Smartsense™- affordable and portable blood electrolyte analyzer with integrated blood plasma centrifuge; Uridsa- a low-cost, portable colorimetric deice to diagnose kidney-related disorders; ElectroFinder- Portable and rapid detection device to sodium and potassium level in critical care patients; PorFloR- Fluorescence strips and device for detection of orthopedic implant-associated infection such as C-reactive protein (CRP) and interleukin-6 (IL-6); Cholcheck- Affordable complete cholesterol panel and detection device; His group has also indigenously developed economical, novel, resorbable bone screw and drug loaded chitosan sponges for orthopedic applications. He has setup more than 20 startup’s from his lab including 4 women led startups and 5 startup’s in which he is co-founder.